在泰國第一天的晚餐就讓我們相當驚艷(當然後面接下來每一餐都是驚艷連連,哪有不驚艷的時候),W Hotel的公關安排我們在酒店旁邊的洋樓「The House on Sathorn」用餐。
Our first dinner in Thailand was really amazing (of course, the following meals were all stunning as well), arranged by W Hotel's public relations official, in the western-style building "The House on Sathorn” restaurant next to W Hotel.
黃洋樓的前身是俄羅斯大使館,興建於1889年泰皇拉瑪五世時期,至今已經有128年歷史,在國家文化保護單位的同意下,2015由W集團收購後,W Hotel團隊花了很長時間修復,將這棟超過百年歷史的經典殖民風格建築完全保留下來,裡裡外外不只形式、甚至是外牆的漆色,都與百年前一模一樣,坐在裡面用餐,彷彿穿越時空。
The building was previously the Russian Embassy built in 1889, with a history of 128 years till now. In 2015, with the approval of the National Cultural Preservation Unit, it was acquired by W Hotel, which spent quite a long time to repair and completely preserve this classic colonial style building, which had more than a hundred years of history. Inside and outside, not just the structure and pattern, but even the exterior paint color, are exactly the same with a hundred years ago. While dining inside, we felt like we just passed through the time and space.
這棟百年建築座落在曼谷商業中心Sathorn區,剛好位在Sathorn Square與W Hotel兩棟建築的中間,因此變身後的黃洋樓就叫做「The House on Sathorn」。分The Dining Room、The Bar及The Courtyard三個部分。
This century-old building is located in the heart of Bangkok's business district, Sathorn, just halfway between the two buildings, “Sathorn Square” and “W Hotel”, and therefore, the Yellow House is called “The House on Sathorn”, including three parts—The Dining Room, The Bar and The Courtyard.