在泰國第一天的晚餐就讓我們相當驚艷(當然後面接下來每一餐都是驚艷連連,哪有不驚艷的時候),W Hotel的公關安排我們在酒店旁邊的洋樓「The House on Sathorn」用餐。
Our first dinner in Thailand was really amazing (of course, the following meals were all stunning as well), arranged by W Hotel's public relations official, in the western-style building "The House on Sathorn” restaurant next to W Hotel.
黃洋樓的前身是俄羅斯大使館,興建於1889年泰皇拉瑪五世時期,至今已經有128年歷史,在國家文化保護單位的同意下,2015由W集團收購後,W Hotel團隊花了很長時間修復,將這棟超過百年歷史的經典殖民風格建築完全保留下來,裡裡外外不只形式、甚至是外牆的漆色,都與百年前一模一樣,坐在裡面用餐,彷彿穿越時空。
The building was previously the Russian Embassy built in 1889, with a history of 128 years till now. In 2015, with the approval of the National Cultural Preservation Unit, it was acquired by W Hotel, which spent quite a long time to repair and completely preserve this classic colonial style building, which had more than a hundred years of history. Inside and outside, not just the structure and pattern, but even the exterior paint color, are exactly the same with a hundred years ago. While dining inside, we felt like we just passed through the time and space.
這棟百年建築座落在曼谷商業中心Sathorn區,剛好位在Sathorn Square與W Hotel兩棟建築的中間,因此變身後的黃洋樓就叫做「The House on Sathorn」。分The Dining Room、The Bar及The Courtyard三個部分。
This century-old building is located in the heart of Bangkok's business district, Sathorn, just halfway between the two buildings, “Sathorn Square” and “W Hotel”, and therefore, the Yellow House is called “The House on Sathorn”, including three parts—The Dining Room, The Bar and The Courtyard.
The Bar在進門右側,顧名思義就是酒吧,提供高級的紅白酒、香檳、調酒、雪茄;The Courtyard是戶外中庭區,是曼谷相當知名的中庭,非常受歡迎,提供午餐和下午茶;The Dinning Room則是提供晚餐的高檔餐廳餐廳,要著正式服裝,且禁止十二歲以下兒童。
“The Bar” is on the right side of the door, as the name implies, it is the bar, providing high-class wine, liquor, champagne, cocktails and cigars; “The Courtyard” is the outdoor atrium area, which is very famous and popular in Bangkok, serving lunch and afternoon tea; As to “The Dining Room”, it is an upscale restaurant offering dinner. Here, you need to dress formally, and the children under the age of 12 are not allowed.
我們事前不知道晚餐在The House on Sathorn用餐,我隨便穿了牛仔褲就去,覺得好失禮啊!雖然我們選坐The Courtyard戶外中庭區,但是晚餐時間左看右看,每個賓客都是男西裝、女洋裝,我整個好想倒帶重來喔XDDD!
The main building itself is super gorgeous! As I walked into the restaurant, I felt like I had no idea where I was and when it was because of the fancy decorations and details. I strongly recommend you to go check out the official website, or directly book a reservation online. It’s definitely worth it!
右邊是W Bangkok的公關,感謝大家把我們照顧得好好,下次來曼谷也還要來住W、吃The House on Sathorn。
On the right side is the public relations official of W Hotel Bangkok. Thank you so much for taking good care of us! Next time I go to Bangkok, I’ll definitely stay in W Hotel again, and eat at “The House on Sathorn”, too!
The Courtyard好美好美,在曼谷是相當知名的庭園,許多人喜歡來這裡吃下午茶,下午茶不貴,兩人1,150泰銖,可以享用超過12種茶點和TWG的茶,SPG會員還有九折。官網可免費登錄成為SPG會員。
“The Courtyard” is such a beautiful and well-known garden in Bangkok. Many people like to have afternoon tea here. It is not very expensive. Spending 1,150 thai baht, two people can enjoy more than 12 kinds of dainty refreshments and TWG tea. With SPG membership, you could also have 10% discount. Just log in the official website and get a SPG membership for free!
坐在The Courtyard,轉頭後方就能看見曼谷最新的第一高樓「MahaNakhon Tower」,雖然不是世界第一高樓,但是77層樓高、約320公尺的MahaNakhon Tower,外型十分大膽前衛,不規則、有缺口的外觀令人印象深刻,乍看好像未完成,隨時會崩塌的錯覺,超特別,裡面有酒吧、餐廳,未來也會精品旅館進駐。
Sitting in the Courtyard, just turn around and you can see the newest, tallest building "MahaNakhon Tower" in Bangkok. Although it’s not the world's tallest building, with 77-storey, about 320 meters height, MahaNakhon Tower looks really spectacular, edgy and modern. Irregular, notched appearance is so impressive that it seems to be incomplete at first glance, and you would have the illusion that it might collapse at any time. It’s literally super special and cool, with bars and restaurants inside, and even boutique hotels in the future.
爬文發現大部分部落格分享的The House on Sathorn是下午茶,我們今晚是在這享用晚餐,結束拍攝後晚餐也正式上菜,前面幾道料理全部交由W安排,是來自土耳其伊斯坦堡的年輕主廚Fatih Tutak的創意料理,每道料理靈感來自於他在世界各地旅行的經驗、及接收到的文化衝擊。
Tonight, we enjoyed our dinner here. From Istanbul, Turkey, the young chef, Fatih Tutak’s creative cuisine is inspired by his experiences traveling around the world, and the cultural shock he received.
I’m really not a competent food blogger and have no idea how to describe the wonderful taste of each dish. I could only say that since I am well-known for being picky, the food that I admire and praise is absolutely delicious with no doubt.
The appetizer was seafood, and topping on it was thick truffle, super yummy!
The bread is crispy outside and soft inside, and on the sided is the dip sauce, a kind of meat sauce with little spicy flavor, which makes the combination so tasty and special.
Usually, I don’t like to eat salad, but this salad is not just super delicious, moreover, there are generously a lot of big shrimps!
Carbon grilled miso black cod, juicy and tender texture, made me want to imitate this dish at home.
55 day Dry-aged Sharon!
Because of the humidity in Taiwan, dry-aged technology is not easy to deal with, so most of the high-class restaurant would use the beef with 21 days to 28 days for the most. I was so happy that we could easily order dry-aged steak with 55 days here.
The fascinating feature about dry-aged steak is that it is soft, tender, juicy, crispy outside, and with rich flavor. Because of 55 days’ process, the aroma is even richer, and the tenderness of the meat is a kind of "tight tender". Moreover, grilled with garlic, Oh! My! It’s so impressive and unforgettable.
This shrimp is too charming! In addition to so large the size, the grilled sesame acid with a slightly spicy chef special Thai seafood sauce, it just couldn’t be more delicious!
Though looked simple, the kale with sauce tasted perfectly dainty!
到了七、八點左右有Live Band現場演湊,還好一月份算是泰國的冬天,晚上坐在庭園一邊用餐一邊欣賞樂團演奏好享受,只是偶爾有些不識相的蚊子XDDD!
Around 7 or 8 o’clock at night, there is live band performance, so you could sit in the garden and enjoy the food and music at the same time.
這一餐真的讓我們留下深刻的印象,下次入住W Bangkok時,一定要請飯店幫你訂The House on Sathorn,體驗一下在百年豪宅享用美食的滋味!
This meal really impressed us! If you stay in W Bangkok, be sure to ask the hotel to help you make a reservation for “The House on Sathorn” to experience the tasty cuisine in a hundred-year- old luxurious mansion!
The House on Sathorn
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(序):我上輩子可能救了泰國
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(一):因愛而生的Soneva
【2017 曼谷】泰奢華蜜月之旅(二):蜜月的開始就在W Hotel Bangkok!
【2017 曼谷】泰奢華蜜月之旅(三):到Siam Paragon購物換錢一次搞定
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(五):搭乘私人飛機飛往泰國秘境閣骨島(Koh Kood)
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(六):我們在Soneva Kiri的「61」號Villa
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(七):「North Beach」私人沙灘午餐
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(八):有絕美海景的The View餐廳
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(九):最新鮮的味蕾享受就在「The Dinging Room」
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(十):登上世界首創樹上餐廳「Tree Pod Dining」 享受泰山先生的送餐服務
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(十一):讓葛妮絲派特洛最難忘的泰國餐廳「Benz's」
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(十二)So Spirited、So Chilled、So Chocoholic 手工冰淇淋巧克力隨你吃到爽