閣骨島(Koh Kood)和曼谷有些距離,多數遊客前往閣骨島的方式,是先搭乘5個多小時的巴士到Trat府,再轉車至Laem Sok碼頭,然後乘船登島;或是在曼谷機場有船公司的專車直達Laem Sok碼頭,再搭船登島,不管哪個路線,基本上要6~7小時的交通時間。
Koh Kood Island is a short distance from Bangkok. Most visitors travel to Koh Kood Island by taking a 5-hour bus ride to Trat, transfer to Laem Sok pier, and then take a boat to the island. Or, you could take the shuttle bus offering by the shipping company in Bangkok airport, and go straightly to Laem Sok pier, and then land the island by taking as boat. No matter which route you chose, it basically takes 6 to 7 hours to get there.
It sounds tiring, however, just because of the distances, the island could maintain the original appearance and not be destroyed. On this secret island, with beautiful beaches and pristine jungle, it is really the wonderland in the eastern Thailand.
不過我沒有機會採用背包客的方式進入閣骨島,因為我們入住的Soneva Kiri有私人飛機,並且在閣骨島上有自己的Mai Si Airport,他們會在曼谷蘇汪納蓬機場將賓客以私人小飛機送往島上,飛行時間大約1小時,再加上10分鐘左右的快艇,不過富豪級的享受價格不斐就是了。
However, I did not have the opportunity to enter the island like the way the backpackers go since we stayed in Soneva Kiri Hotel, which offers a private plane and has their own Mai Si Airport. They send guests to the island from Suvarnabhumi airport, Bangkok by a private plane. The whole journey is fast, about one-hour flight and 10-minute speedboat sailing, but it would cost quite a fortune, though.
難得本部落格能帶大家看看奢華級的旅程,我自己也相當興奮。我們的Soneva Kiri私人飛機是早上7:40從蘇汪納蓬機場起飛,清晨5點Annie和司機就來W接我們,到達機場才6點多,雖然超早超想睡,但是內心雀躍得不得了,一到機場就完全醒了。
Soneva Kiri的櫃臺在機場D24的位置,雖然小小的,但擺放著Soneva Kiri Check In Counter的立牌很顯眼,很容易就能找到。
Just like in Bangkok, Soneva also uses wooden signs. It not only retains the original style, but also takes environmental protection into consideration.
雖然登機也不會特別檢查,但還是拿到登機證囉,從閣骨島回來時因為是Soneva Kiri自己的小機場,沒有安檢人員,所以回程是沒有登機證,這張去程才有的登機證一定要好好收藏啊!
而我們的行李,從曼谷蘇汪納蓬機場Check in後,我就沒見到它們,直到我們進入Villa房間,才看到它們已經在那等著。
From checking-in in Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport, I did not see our lugguge until we entered the Villa room, seeing them have been waiting there.
Since Soneva Resort emphasizes on the privacy, they usually do not arrange guests to take the same private aircraft, and therefore, there was nobody else except the resort staff and us on our flight. Since we were customers, we got the priority to directly sit in the back of the co-pilot, which let us closely see the whole flying process. It really was a whole new and unforgettable experience for me!
Along the way, I saw so many small islands of Thailand, each of them is so beautiful, and the sea is so clear and blue, which made me really want to visit all of them! (After this unforgettable trip to Kojima Island, I already made these islands on my traveling lists, and I wish my dreams can come true someday!)
大約一個小時的飛行,終於飛抵閣骨島啦!剛到時太興奮,加上泰國工作人員要拍我們,所以迷你的Mai Si機場照片,是回家那天拍的。
About an hour's flight, we finally arrived to Koh Kood Island.
This is the airport's small lounge. It is the original traditional Thai-style thatched cottage. I really like the feeling that I could touch the ground easily, and be so close to the nature.
小小Mai Si機場的停機坪。
The small “Mai Si” airport apron.
小小Mai Si機場的跑道,僅820公尺,非常考驗著機師們的技術。
踏上閣骨島的那刻起,Ms. Friday就隨侍在側。我們的Ms. Friday是個可愛的小女生「Ming」,她曾經在武漢唸書,所以能說挺標準的中文,在度假村的四天三夜,有能說中文也可以通的管家,更放鬆更自在,呼!
Beautiful scenery along the way, fresh air, blue and clean water…, while taking the boat, I felt like I was shooting a film as the wind blew on me. Isn’t Hollywood movie just like that? Ha ha ha!
Right close to the pier, we could see from far away, the high-level executives of the resort had been waiting and waved for us. When guests arriving and leaving the resort, the supervisors and executives will personally lead to welcome and send them, which is really so sweet!
噗…這種畫面不是在電影裡才看到的嗎?就富豪搭遊艇回到私人碼頭,管家們列隊歡迎XDDD!總之,踏上Soneva Kiri的第一刻起,我就知道我深深愛上這裡的一切,離開的時候我知道我會很捨不得島上的風景和人們。
From the moment I stepped on Soneva Kiri, I knew I have fallen in love with everything here. It would be very hard for me to say goodbye to this island.
又因為忙著直播,我錯過拍下最重要的交出鞋子的戲碼,「No News No Shoes」是Soneva的宗旨,希望賓客們能更接近大自然,用雙腳感受土地及海水的溫度。
"No News No Shoes" is Sonia’s philosophy; hoping guests could be closer to the nature, feel the warmth of the land and water with their feet.
Because of that reason, the steward put away our shoes and rinsed our feet after we walked through the white sand, and then sent us to the Villa where we stayed for three nights.
Koh Kood Island, a tranquil island without convenience stores, is waiting for you to feel the pure land with your feet.
Soneva Kiri
地址:Soneva Kiri 110 Moo 4, Koh Kood Sub-District, Koh Kood District, Trat 23000
電話:+66 (0) 82 208 8888
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(序):我上輩子可能救了泰國
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(一):因愛而生的Soneva
【2017 曼谷】泰奢華蜜月之旅(二):蜜月的開始就在W Hotel Bangkok!
【2017 曼谷】泰奢華蜜月之旅(三):到Siam Paragon購物換錢一次搞定
【2017 Koh Kood】 泰奢華蜜月之旅(四):百年俄羅斯大使館變身貴婦餐廳「The House on Sathorn」
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(六):我們在Soneva Kiri的「61」號Villa
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(七):「North Beach」私人沙灘午餐
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(八):有絕美海景的The View餐廳
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(九):最新鮮的味蕾享受就在「The Dinging Room」
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(十):登上世界首創樹上餐廳「Tree Pod Dining」 享受泰山先生的送餐服務
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(十一):讓葛妮絲派特洛最難忘的泰國餐廳「Benz's」
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(十二)So Spirited、So Chilled、So Chocoholic 手工冰淇淋巧克力隨你吃到爽