Although it was just our honeymoon, I felt like we were shooting the Korean TV grogram, “We Got Married!” As arriving Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, the cameras kept shooting and recording the entire honeymoon trip. However, I was totally without makeup! (Fainted)
由於飛往閣骨島的索妮娃私人飛機是隔天早上7:40,好怕不夠時間休息,前一天不敢太晚抵達曼谷,所以從台北出發,選了一個超透早的7:40泰航班機,在只睡兩個小時的情況下,既沒時間也沒精神化妝,心裡盤算著,飛抵曼谷到飯店check in後,再休息梳化妝就好,殊不知一落地,攝影機立馬開拍,導致第一天所有畫面,我都是一個素顏還戴著眼鏡的阿桑!
這次全程的交通,泰國旅遊局也都安排好,不用煩心也不用勞力,有保姆車把我們舒舒服服送進市區,到達曼谷市區的時間已接近中午,但是第一晚下塌的W Bangkok又還不到check in時間,Annie問我想吃什麼午餐,來泰國,當然要吃道地泰國菜啊!
During this trip, the transportation was all set up by Tourism Authority of Thailand, so it didn’t bother us at all. When we arrived downtown Bangkok around noontime, we still couldn’t check in yet, so the agent, Annie asked me what we want to have for lunch, and my answer was—Thai cuisine, of course! When you are in Thailand, do Thais do!
等待飯店的時間,Annie先帶我們去位在24小時營業的The Street購物中心一樓「SO asean Cafe & Restaurant」午餐。
As we were waiting, Annie took us to “So asean Café & Restaurant” for lunch. It was in the first floor of “The Street”, a 24-hour- opened shopping mall.
SO asean Cafe 是24小時營業、SO asean Restaurant則是12小時營業,餐廳明亮又舒適,但是剛到跟大家還不熟,而且攝影師的相機高級好多,我不好意思瘋狂一直拍,一整個太客氣,結果只有這幾張環境照片。
So asean Restaurant opens 12 hours a day. It’s so bright and cozy here.
其實「SO asean Cafe & Restaurant」不只能吃到泰國菜,而是一次可以吃到東協10國的料理,不過我們來到泰國,當然以泰國菜為主,Annie為點的每一道菜都好好吃,平常在台灣小鳥胃,什麼都吃少少的,這次來泰國,餐餐變大食怪,我完全有一個泰國菜的胃啊!
Actually, you can not only enjoy Thai food here, but also cuisines of association of Southeast Asian Nations at the same time. Since we were in Thailand, we just focused on Thai food this time. Every dish we ordered was super delicious! In Taiwan, I usually eat less, but I totally became such a Hungry Monster every meal that I could say I really have a Thai stomach!
由於起了一個大早,嚴格說起來,應該是根本沒睡,吃飽喝足差不多想睡,也到了可以入住的時間,保姆車立馬把我們送往W Hotel Bangkok 。
After lunch, it was about the time for check-in, so we were sent to W Hotel Bangkok right away.
但是在W連Check in也是要被拍的,但我依舊素顏,而且是在這麼時尚的地方,吼~明天我要雪恥!
謝謝泰國旅遊局、謝謝W Hotel Bangkok ,真的幫我們準備了一間蜜月房啊!一進房間超驚喜,床上擺了歡迎的字卡,滿房間的彩色氣球,還有可口的甜點,一看就非常甜滋滋的氣氛。
Thanks for Tourism Authority of Thailand and W Hotel Bangkok, they literally arranged us a honeymoon suite! To our surprise, there were welcoming cards on the bed, colorful balloons decorating the room, and yummy sweets! The whole atmosphere couldn’t be more sweet and romantic!
曼谷多次獲選為最佳旅遊城市,旅客之多真不是小小台灣能比的,所以酒店也是百家爭鳴,競爭相當激烈。若要推薦,其中少不了具強烈設計風格的W Hotel。
Bangkok has been chosen as the best traveling city many times. With thousands of tourists every year, the hotel business is really competitive there. When it comes to recommendation, W Hotel, with strong design style, must be on the list.
我們的W Hotel初體驗就獻給了曼谷,W Hotel Bangkok 為我們準備的房型「Studio Suite」好大,有64平方公尺,換算為台灣慣用單位的話,將近20坪,讓我們的蜜月一開始就是非常氣派的開場!
Our first experience staying in W Hotel was given to Bangkok. The Studio Suite they prepared for us is so large, with 64 square meters, offering us a luxurious opening for our honeymoon!
現在就來介紹一下曼谷指標性建築--時尚又舒適的W Hotel Bangkok 。
Now let me introduce the landmark architecture—fashionable and comfortable W Hotel Bangkok.
W Hotel Bangkok 地理位置很方便,就在BTS空鐵Chong Nonsi鍾那席站,要去超好逛的Siam Paragon,只要坐三站就到Siam暹邏站,暹邏站又直通Siam Paragon,對只在曼谷停留一晚的我們來說,超級無敵方便,不只購物、甚至是換錢都在這邊完成。(關於台幣換泰銖等我另外分享。)
W Hotel Bangkok is located by Chong Nonsi BTS Station, making it a super convenient spot. It only takes three stations to Siam Station where directly gets to Siam Paragon. For us, only staying overnight, it was literally easy to not only go shopping, but also exchange currency here.
W Hotel不管在哪個城市,基本上就是時尚的代名詞,尤其曼谷的W外觀好美,本身就是一件藝術品來著,白天夜晚有著不同風情。
No matter which city you are, W Hotel is definitely a term for fashion, especially W Hotel Bangkok. It is so gorgeous in appearance that it’s a work of art itself, with different landscape in daytime and at night.
右手邊紅色屋頂、黃色建築是有百年歷史的是俄羅斯大使館前身,現在已經變身為W Hotel Bangkok 的餐廳「THE HOUSE ON SATHORN」,每道道料理無地雷超好吃,我會另開一篇介紹。(就說這次蜜月文少說要連載個半年、一年啊XD!)
The red-roof, yellow building on the right was Russian Embassy before, with hundreds of history, while turns to be “The House on Sathorn”, the restaurant of W Hotel Bangkok nowadays. Every dish there is really delicious, and I’ll introduce about it later in another article.
夜晚的W會變換不同顏色,看起來非常閃耀。這天晚上,「THE HOUSE ON SATHORN」二樓包廂好像有婚禮還是趴踢,來來去去的賓客穿得好華麗,跟百年歷史的黃洋樓好搭,但我竟然是穿牛仔褲進去用餐,失敬失敬!
At night, the logo W would light up with different colors, making it shining in the darkness.
W Hotel Bangkok 內裝是時尚大器的紫色,Lobby開闊又舒適。
The main color of interior design is purple, making the whole space fashionable and grand. The lobby is spacious and comfortable.
一樓的Woo Bar同樣是華麗的紫色系,具時尚前衛的設計風格。
Woo Bar in the first floor, with fancy purple as well, is also edgy and full of modern style.
由於我們這天幾乎沒睡覺,中午吃飽Check in後,一碰到床立馬倒頭昏睡,一直補眠到下午四點多才出門換錢,晚上六點又回到W,公關安排我們在「THE HOUSE ON SATHORN」晚餐,本來吃飽想再出去晃晃,但是隔天又是得四點起床到機場,再撐下去太累,所以很早就回房休息。
也因為我們到曼谷除了吃飯之外,其他時間幾乎在補眠,W的其他公共空間包括健身房、露天泳池…等等,好可惜沒有見識,不過帶大家去瞧瞧我們入住的25樓Studio Suite房間。
這個房間真的好大,整體來說比我們家客廳和廚房加起來還大,有一張King Size的床,我們兩個小人睡起來,旁邊都還可以再來兩個人XD!
The space of the suite is really big, even bigger than my living room plus kitchen. The king size bed is also very big that I think there could be two more people lying on it.
Wide, bright and cozy, we enjoyed the night view of Bangkok. While in daytime, we felt so warm and comfortable, with sunshine splashed brightening the room.
The tablet putting on the night table includes all the switches, alarm clock setting and room service. Cool!
Admire Bangkok night view while taking a bath on the 25 th floor. Fantastic and relaxing!
沐浴備品是來自紐約的傳奇保養品牌bliss,瓶裝水選用了對環境友善的Eco-Friendly Bottle。
The bath product is Bliss, a legendary skin care brand from New York. As for mineral water, they select Eco- Friendly Bottle, which is also friendly to the environment.
有聽聞W Hotel Bangkok的早餐很棒,但是我們退房時間實在太早,早上5點,根本還沒開始早餐時間,但是W很貼心為需要早退房的房客準備外帶早餐,雖然沒有辦法很澎湃,但是有香蕉、有蘋果、有果汁、好多麵包以及三明治,健康滿點誠意十足。
We’ve heard of how great their breakfast is, though we checked out too early at 5 am, when there was no breakfast offered yet. However, W Hotel prepares breakfast-to- go for the customers who need to leave early in the morning, including bananas, apples, juice, lots of bread and sandwiches. Healthy, and sincerely!
第一次入住W Hotel Bangkok雖然來匆匆去匆匆,但我們睡得很好、吃得很好,被招待得好好的,謝謝W幫我們準備這麼完美的蜜月房,也謝謝公關的照顧,安排的晚餐超好吃又超浪漫,等我下篇分享,以後再來曼谷,W Hotel Bangkok一定還是首選!
The first time we stayed in W Hotel, although in a hurry, we were treated so well. Thanks for the perfect honeymoon suite W Hotel arranged for us, and the good care the agent offered for us, too. Next time I travel to Bangkok, W Hotel must be the first choice!
W Hotel Bangkok
地址:106 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak, Silom, 10500 Bangkok
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(序):我上輩子可能救了泰國
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(一):因愛而生的Soneva
【2017 曼谷】泰奢華蜜月之旅(三):到Siam Paragon購物換錢一次搞定
【2017曼谷】 泰奢華蜜月之旅(四):百年俄羅斯大使館變身貴婦餐廳「The House on Sathorn」
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(五):搭乘私人飛機飛往泰國秘境閣骨島(Koh Kood)
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(六):我們在Soneva Kiri的「61」號Villa
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(七):「North Beach」私人沙灘午餐
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(八):有絕美海景的The View餐廳
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(九):最新鮮的味蕾享受就在「The Dinging Room」
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(十):登上世界首創樹上餐廳「Tree Pod Dining」 享受泰山先生的送餐服務
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(十一):讓葛妮絲派特洛最難忘的泰國餐廳「Benz's」
【2017 Koh Kood】泰奢華蜜月之旅(十二)So Spirited、So Chilled、So Chocoholic 手工冰淇淋巧克力隨你吃到爽